Kontynuacja losów Jasona Bourne'a - byłego tajnego agenta CIA. Kontynuacja losów Jasona Bourne'a - byłego tajnego agenta CIA. Okazuje się, że program Treadstone został zmodyfikowany i przemianowany na Black Briar, podlegający amerykańskiemu Ministerstwu Obrony.
Tymczasem Bourne'a prześladują niejasne wspomnienia z jego przeszłości sprzed zaniku pamięci. Ucieczka przed poprzednim życiem okazuje się być niemożliwa, dlatego Bourne postanawia wrócić do początku i dowiedzieć, kto i po co go stworzył. Podróżując przez Moskwę, Berlin, Londyn, Madryt...
CDA nie limituje przepustowości oraz transferu danych. W godzinach wieczornych może zdarzyć się jednak, iż ilość użytkowników przekracza możliwości naszych serwerów wideo. Wówczas odbiór może być zakłócony, a plik wideo może ładować się dłużej niż zwykle.
Zdobywca Nagrody Akademii, Matt Damon w roli zabójcy doskonałego, Jasona Bourne'a, człowieka, który utracił pamięć i jedyną osobę, jaką kochał. Teraz Jason musi zmierzyć się z nowym pokoleniem wyszkolonych przez jego organizację zabójców...
Ultimatum bourne a cda. 1:53:12. tozsamosc 2011 lektor pl. Zapraszamy na stronę www.film-kino.pl Tytuł polski: Ultimatum Bourne'a Tytuł oryginalny: The Bourne Ultimatum Rok ...
... Jason Bourne. Julia Stiles.
Режиссер: Пол Гринграсс. В ролях: Мэтт Дэймон, Джулия Стайлз, Дэвид Стрэтэйрн и др. Язык: RU.
фильм The Bourne Ultimatum (Ультиматум Борна) на английском с русскими и английскими субтитрами. Jason Bourne dodges a ruthless CIA official and his agents from a new assassination program while searching for the origins of his life as a trained killer.
The Bourne Ultimatum. Erinnere Dich an alles. Vergebe nichts. Um das dunkle Kapitel seiner Vergangenheit endlich auszulöschen, muss Jason Bourne sich dieser stellen. Das Projekt, welches ihn erschuf, wird auch weiterhin illegal fortgesetzt.
Acțiune, mister, thriller. Director: Paul Greengrass. Starring: Matt Damon, Julia Stiles, David Strathairn and others. Bourne nu voia decât un lucru: să dispară. Dar iată că urma îi este luată iarăși de cei care l-au transformat într-un spion și un asasin.
The Bourne Ultimatum Imdb Flag. Year: 2007. Loading... from The Bourne Series 1080p H.264 (moviesbyrizzo). English The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) [4K Blu-ray] English. Kinescope.
The Bourne Ultimatum (titulada El ultimátum de Bourne en España y Bourne: El ultimátum en Hispanoamérica) es una película de espías estadounidense del año 2007 dirigida por Paul Greengrass y protagonizada por Matt Damon, Julia Stiles, David Strathairn y Joan Allen.
The Bourne Ultimatum is the third installment in the Jason Bourne film franchise, which began with The Bourne Identity. Matt Damon again returns as the covert operative known as Jason Bourne, who returns to New York to uncover the remnants of the secret program that he was recruited into.
The Bourne Ultimatum is the last novel of Robert Ludlum wrote for the series, and the third novel of the franchise overall. Just like the previous novels, it was adapted into a film released in 2007. The novel follows David Webb, alias Jason Bourne, as he works to find his old enemy, Carlos The Jackal...
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007). Bourne is brought out of hiding once again by reporter Simon Ross who is trying to unveil Operation Blackbriar, an upgrade to Project Treadstone, in a series of newspaper columns.
The Bourne Ultimatum - In Theaters August 3rd All he wanted was to disappear. Instead, Jason Bourne is now hunted by the people who made him what he is. Having lost his memory and the one person he loved, he is undeterred by the barrage of bullets and a new generation of highly-trained...
The bourne ultimatum. Screenplay by Tony Gilroy and. Scott Z. Burns and. by Tony Gilroy Based on the novels by Robert Ludlum and Universal's "The Bourne Identity" and "The Bourne Ultimatum" FINAL SHOOTING SCRIPT June 20, 2007.
Film: The Bourne Ultimatum Release Date: August 3, 2007 Director: Paul Greengrass Costume Designer: Shay Cunliffe. After kicking a substantial amount of ass across a few continents, David Webb still isn't taking it easy by the time The Bourne Ultimatum rolls around.
Find all 19 songs in Bourne Ultimatum Soundtrack, with scene descriptions. Listen to trailer music, OST, original score, and the full list of popular songs in the film. Songs and music featured in Bourne Ultimatum Soundtrack.
The Bourne Ultimatum: All he wanted was to disappear; instead, Jason Bourne is now hunted by the people who made him what he is - a legendary assassin. Having lost his memory and the one person he loved, he is undeterred by the barrage of bullets and a new generation of highly-trained killers.
The Bourne Ultimatum movie reviews & Metacritic score: All he wanted was to disappear. Instead, Jason Bourne is now hunted by the people who made him what he is. Having lost his memory and the one person he loved, he is undeterred by the barrage of bullets and a new generation of highly-trained...
The Bourne Ultimatum. Från 15 år. Common Sense Age 14+. Matt Damon returns as highly trained assassin, Jason Bourne, who is on the hunt for the agents who stole his memory and true identity.
Jason Bourne Amerika'nın kirli oyunlarına alet ettiği ajanlardan sadece biridir. Tüm dünyadan gizli yürütülen bir projenin kobayı olan ajan, deha zekasına ve üstün derecede bir savaşma yeteneğine sahiptir. The Bourne Ultimatum 720P görüntü kalitesinde ve altyazılı izle meniz için sizlerle..
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