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Film bez napisów. Po śmierci ortodoksyjnych rodziców młody Darkly błąka się samotnie po lesie. Wkrótce zamieszkuje z piękną Callie i jej partnerem, Clayem, którzy nie przypuszczają jaką Komentarze do: Las Namiętności. Dodaj komentarz. Najlepsze komentarze Najnowsze komentarze.
Namiętności - amerykański melodramat z 1996 roku. Robert Redford - Warren Justice. Michelle Pfeiffer - Sally/Tally Atwater. Stockard Channing- Marcia McGrath. Joe Mantegna - Bucky Terranova. Kate Nelligan - Joanna Kennelly. Glenn Plummer - Ned Jackson. James Rebhorn - John Merino.
Melodramat. Director: Jon Avnet. Starring: Robert Redford, Michelle Pfeiffer, Stockard Channing and others. Warren, uznany dziennikarz, pomaga w karierze Sally, która dopiero rozpoczyna pracę w telewizji.
Robert redford went from being a major heartthrob in the 60'S and 70's, to a acclaimed academy award winning director in the 80's, to one of the elder statemen in the present day...
Актер: Роберт Редфорд, полное имя (Charles Robert Redford Jr.) - американский актер, режиссер и продюсер, обладатель двух премий «Оскар». Известен широкой публике благодаря ролям в картинах: «Буч Кэссиди и Сандэнс Кид», «Афера», «Вся президентская рать»...
Quietly cocky Robert Redford joins U.S. ski team as downhill racer and clashes with the team's coach, played by Gene Hackman. Lots of good skiing action leading to an exciting climax.
Robert Redford sitemizdeki tüm filmleri, Robert Redford son filmi, Robert Redford yeni filmi, rol aldığı filmler. Robert Redford. Yaşı: 84. Gerçek Adı: Charles Robert Redford Jr. Mesleği Film Sayısı
Robert Redford pojawił się na otwarciu Sundance Film Festival, największego na świecie festiwalu kina niezależnego. Jak zwykle w roli ambasadora imprezy. Choć gwiazdor, którego niedawno mogliśmy podziwiać na dużym ekranie w filmie "Gentleman z rewolwerem"...
Robert Redford is one of the last icons of classic American cinema, who gave brilliant performances in almost every movie he was in. Choosing Robert Redford's greatest performance is like choosing which is the best meal you've ever eaten-some are better than others but they all keep you alive.
Un film di Robert Redford. Con Robert Redford, Shia LaBeouf, Julie Christie, Sam Elliott, Brendan Gleeson. Titolo originale The Company You Keep. La presenza di Redford divora quella della Lopez in un film tipicamente hollywoodiano. Consigliato: Nì*media giudizi di pubblico, critica e dizionari.
Charles Robert Redford Jr., 18 Ağustos 1936 Santa Monica, California, ABD doğumlu oyuncu, yapımcı, yönetmen. 1958 yılının Ağustos ayında Lola Van Wagenen ile evlendi. 27 yılın ardından 1985 yılının Kasım ayında boşandılar. Çiftin 4 çocukları oldu.Kaptan Amerika: Kış Askeri (2014), Belalılar...
Robert Redford.
ROBERT REDFORD - ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN, 1976 Robert Redford felt that by casting himself as Bob Woodward he was unnecessarily unbalancing the film. The obvious answer was to cast a star of equal weight. For that reason, he approached Dustin Hoffman at a Knicks game and offered...
Robert Redford, 1969 yılında Paul Newman ile beraber kamera karşısına geçer ve Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid filminde muhteşem bir oyunculuk performansı ortaya koyar ve tanınırlığını arttırır. Yine Paul Newsman ile beraber başka bir rolü paylaşığı film ise 1973 senesinde ki The Sting filmidir!
C. The Company You Keep (film).
Robert Redford pourrait envisager de prendre sa retraite d'acteur dans un ou deux ans. Rue des Archives. Butch Cassidy et le Kid, Les Trois jours Au cinéma, les héros ne meurent jamais. Avant que Robert Redford ne décide définitivement de raccrocher les gants, Le Figaro vous offre, en vidéo, un...
Todas las películas y series de Robert Redford. Descubre sus papeles más populares y pelis más premiadas. Toda la carrera cinematográfica de Robert Redford en
For more than 50 years, Robert Redford has been one of the biggest stars in Hollywood—initially as a handsome all-American leading man, and then as a The film was a smash hit, turning Redford into a household name. Further box office successes followed, most notably Jeremiah Johnson (1972), The...
Filmografia di Robert Redford elenco dei film con video recensioni trama trailer successi da oscar film inediti che hanno protagonista o comparsa Charles Robert Redford Jr. Per sapere tutto quello che Robert Redford ha fatto al cinema, come attore, regista o sceneggiatore.
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