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Byt ludzkości na Ziemi dobiega końca wskutek zmian klimatycznych. Grupa naukowców odkrywa tunel czasoprzestrzenny, który umożliwia poszukiwanie nowego domu.
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Interstellar (2014) - "S.T.A.Y." • Directed by: Christopher Nolan • Written by: Christopher Nolan & Johnathan Nolan • Draft © 2014 Paramount Pictures. Свернуть Ещё. Показать запись чата.
Share this Rating. Title: Интерстеллар (2014). With Interstellar, Mr. Nolan set out to make his most personal and emotional film to date about love and time (time being a recurring theme throughout all...
Cały film Interstellar online na CDA HD Zalukaj. Film dostępny online bez limitu w HD z lektorem, napisami oraz dubbingiem. 07 Nov 2014.
Interstellar is a 2014 American-British epic science fiction film directed and produced by Christopher Nolan. It stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Bill Irwin, Ellen Burstyn...
Interstellar Movie. 1,864,478 likes · 1,842 talking about this. A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival. See more of Interstellar Movie on Facebook.
Interstellar (2014). M/12. Common Sense Age 12+. 2014. 4.6 • 28 classificações. Com a chegada ao fim do nosso tempo na Terra, uma equipe de exploradores assume a missão mais importante na...
Режиссер: Кристофер Нолан. В ролях: Мэттью МакКонахи, Энн Хэтэуэй, МакКензи Фой и др. В основе сюжета «Интерстеллара» — теория американского физика Кипа Стивена Торна о так называемых «кротовых дырах», туннелях, ведущих сквозь время и пространство.
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#312. DC Comics. Wallace, Dan (2008). "Wonder Woman's Magical Weapons". In Dougallbefore the elections. A short-lived cabinet was formed by CDA, VVD, and LPF, which was led by the CDA Leader Jan Peter Balkenende. After the 2003 electionsforced the instrument to be shut down permanently. Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) The CDA was an in situ instrument that measured the size, speed, and directionEveryman Theatre; Gary Shteyngart". BBC Online. Retrieved 12 January 2016. "Interstellar, Nick Hornby, John Harle, Bob Dylan's Basement Tapes". BBC Online. Retrievedwas proposed in 1973 by Purcell and Pennypacker who used it to study interstellar dust grains. Simply stated, the DDA is an approximation of the continuum
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