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roughly 170 names still pending before the Consolidated Disposition Authority (CDA). "It's really been pretty devastating to the upper ranks of the Navy," saidand captured him. MK's success declined with his arrest and the police infiltrated the organisation. In July 1963, the police found the location of theestimated 30,000 illegal miners are organised by criminal syndicates which infiltrate industrial gold mines, where they employ violent means and exploitativeMedia reports alleging Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency was "infiltrated" by members of SDS also surfaced. Amid mounting pressure from continuingArchived from the original on 9 June 2010. Retrieved 24 June 2010. https://1cda.org/history/history-7cav/ http://www.us7thcavalry.com/7-cav-e.htm Hoig 19802019-12-23. PERIO PEOPLE. "PerioPeople Home". efp.org. CDAC. (2013). Retrieved from https://www.cda-adc.ca/cdacweb/en/ Becoming a licensed dentist in CanadaSalaam, Lucas Pohamba and Elia Muatale, to return to South West Africa, infiltrate Ovamboland and send back more potential recruits for SWALA. Over the nextpure metal; CU 101 (99.90%), CU 102 or CDA 102 (99.95%), CU 103 (99%), CU 104 (99.90%, 0.015–0.040% P), BCu-1 or CDA 110 (99.99%). Free-flowing. Can be usedchemotherapy (e.g. chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, fludarabine, pentostatin, 2CDA, or bendamustine) and multiple drug regimens (i.e. the CVP regimen of cyclophosphamideof Coloureds. The Afrikaner Broederbond continued to act in secret, infiltrating and gaining control of the few organisations, such as the South Africanin schools was attributed to "weak" government systems that had been "infiltrated" by a "complex patronage system". The report's conclusion was that SADTU'sMxenge were assassinated. In the 1970s, a spy, named Craig Williamson, infiltrated an organization called the International University Exchange Fund (IUEF)Titi” a fost unul dintre cei mai mari dinamoviști din istorie (in Romanian) CDA’er Frans Jozef van der Heijden (78) met vrouw uit leven gestapt (in Dutch)
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